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Nursing Homes

We are here to support older adults living in nursing homes and their care partners

Age-Friendly Care, PA is a program of the Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing and the Tressa Nese and Helen Diskevich Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence (CGNE). Our goal is to improve the care of older adults in rural Pennsylvania using the Age-Friendly Health Systems Framework. Our program is part of a bigger movement creating age-friendly care communities across the United States. A tool called the 4Ms framework was developed to promote age-friendly care. The four “M” components in the framework are What Matters, Medication, Mind, and Mobility. The 4Ms work together to improve the health and well-being of older adults. Details about each M are provided on the following pages.

What do the 4Ms look like in nursing homes?

Making the 4Ms part of the daily routine can help simplify care and keep older adults moving toward their health goals. The My 4Ms Worksheet is an easy-to-understand tool that focuses on individuals’ unique care preferences and health goals. Use the completed worksheet to guide conversations with family and the health care team. Making the 4Ms part of routine care can help keep loved ones moving toward their goals.

Download: My 4Ms Worksheet (English)

Download: My 4Ms Worksheet (Español)

Make the 4Ms specific to your or your loved one's care.

Customize the 4Ms for yourself or your loved one by watching the video below and completing the 4Ms worksheet.

4Ms Worksheet Video (English)

4Ms Worksheet Video (Español)